EDOiQ / KEA Site Selection

So you’re ready to find a site for your business?  Sometimes the site selection process can be like throwing a dart at a map…. Did you know there are few decisions more crucial than where to locate your facility?  KE Andrews and EDOiQ can streamline the process so you can hit the bullseye every time…. Some site selectors simply rely on their relationships, but we let the data speak for itself.  Whether you already have some ideas where you want to locate, or need help with market identification, our team will analyze multiple data sets on several key factors that are pivotal to your business’s success.

These include:
  • Labor
  • Supply Chain
  • Operational Costs
  • Tax Burden
  • Incentives
  • Quality of Life
  • Diversity

But that’s not all; We stay with you for the entire lifecycle of your project giving you end to end guidance.  Let us drive value for your organization. Let us help your business find a new home.